
1. 计算机专业词汇

1.1 名词缩写速查


缩写 全称 所属领域 解释
PC Programming Counter 程序计数器,指向下一个要执行的指令
IPC Instructions Per Cycle 一个周期内执行的指令数
CPI Cycles Per Instruction 执行完一条指令所需的周期数
SoC System on a Chip (芯)片上系统
HDL Hardware Description Language 以文本形式来描述数字系统硬件的结构和行为的语言
MMU Memory Management Unit 内存管理单元
BTB Branch Target Buffer 分支目标缓存
SFB Short-Forwards Branch 短向前跳分支,指出现频率很高并且覆盖指令很少的分支指令
RAS Return-Address-Stack branch(函数的)返回地址栈
SRAM Static Random Access Memory 静态随机存取存储器
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory 动态随机存取存储器
LLC Last Level Cache LLC refers to the highest-numbered cache that is accessed by the cores prior to fetching from memory.
TEE Trusted Execution Environment 可信执行环境如Intel SGX、AMD
CAM Content-Addressable Memory 内容寻址存储器,也称为关联存储器或关联存储,将输入搜索数据与存储数据表进行比较,并返回匹配数据的地址。
TLB Translation Lookaside Buffer TLB is a memory cache that stores the recent translations of virtual memory to physical memory.
RoCC Rocket Custom Coprocessor Rocket-core 的协处理器,可以通过RISC-V自定义扩展指令集作为命令控制RoCC执行
CSR Control and Status Register CSR is a register that stores various information in CPU.
VLEN Vector Length 单个向量寄存器的bit数
XLEN the width of an integer register in bits,如常见的32位或64位
ELEN Element Length 向量元素的最大bit size
LMUL Number of registers in each group,每个group里的向量寄存器数目
ELMUL Effective LMUL
SEW Selected Element Width
EEW Effective Element Width
vl Vector Length Register XLEN-bit-wide read-only vl CSR
vlenb Vector Byte Length Register XLEN-bit-wide read-only CSR vlenb holds the value VLEN/8, i.e., the vector register length in bytes.
vstart Vector Start Index Register vstart read-write CSR speciŠfies the index of the Š rst element to be executed by a vector instruction,
vxrm Vector Fixed-Point Rounding Mode Register
vxsat Vector Fixed-Point Saturation Flag The vxsat CSR has a single read-write least-signiŠ cant bit (vxsat[0]) that indicates if a Š xed-point instruction has had to saturate an output value to Š t into a destination format.
vcsr Vector Control and Status Register

1.2 专业名词


英文 音标 中文 解释或例句
bandwidth n. 带宽
consistency n. 一致性
component n. 组件
distribution n. 发行版本
initialization n. 初始化、赋初值
page-table n. 页表
page table walk n. 页表遍历
frequency n. 频率、主频
dual issue n. 双发射
flavours n. 版本 RISC-V is little-endian and comes in 32 and 64 bit flavours.
sequence n. 序列
little-endian n. 小尾端
big-endian n. 大尾端
superscalar /ˌsuːpəˈskeɪlə; ˌsjuː-/ adj.(计算机)超标量体系结构的
microarchitecture n. 微体系结构
branch-prediction n. 分支预测
branch predictor n. 分支预测器
high-performance n. 高性能
general-purpose computer n. 通用计算机
datacenter n. 数据中心
workstation n. 工作站
in-order execution n. 顺序执行
out-of-order adj. 乱序
framework n. 框架
model n. 模型
chip n. 芯片
core n. 核、核心
open-source adj. 开放源码的
functionality /ˌfʌŋkʃəˈnæləti/ n. 功能
configuration n. 配置
pipeline n. 流水线
issue queue n. 发射队列
register file n. 寄存器文件
frontend n. 前端
backend n. 后端
cache n. 高速缓存
buffer n. 缓存
simulation n. 仿真
critical path n. 关键路径
floating point n. 浮点
tight coupling n. 紧耦合
pre-compiled adj. 预编译的
cross-compilation n. 交叉编译
library n. 库
application n. 应用
module n. 模块、组件
machinery /məˈʃiːnəri/ n. 机制、体系
mechanism n. 方法、机制
fully-associative adj. 全相连的
throughput n. 吞吐量
snapshot n. 快照
writeback v. 写回
workload n. 工作负载
accelerator n. 加速器
microOp n. 微操作 也写作𝜇OP
interface n. 接口
operand n. 操作数、操作对象
opcode n. 操作码
outer memory n. 外存
task n. 任务
thread n. 进程
n. 线程
machine learning n. 机器学习
vector computation n. 向量计算机
cryptography /krɪpˈtɑːɡrəfi/ n. 密码学
architecture n. 体系结构
microarchitecture n. 微体系结构

2. 从句子中学表达

2.1 analogous to 类似于

Analogous to the way in which the floating-point unit is handled, the mstatus.VS field may exist even if misa.V is clear.

It is defined analogously to the floating-point context status field, FS.

2.2 state-of-the-art 最先进的

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